of the


The Friends of the Long Beach Firefighters, Inc. is a corporation organized under the general non-profit Corporation Law of the State of California, having the specific and general purpose and powers set forth in its Articles of Incorporation on file in the Office of the California Secretary of State an Office of the County Clerk of Los Angeles County.  Except as otherwise provided by Statue or in the said Articles of Incorporation, the following By-Laws, as from time-to-time amended, are for the conduct and regulation of the affairs of the Corporation. 

Section 1.  Principal Office.   The Principal office of the Corporation shall be located at 3205 Lakewood Boulevard, Long Beach, CA 90808, in the County of Los Angeles, State of California and shall be designated by resolution of the Board of Directors.

Section 2.  Purpose.   To promote the on-going training and service programs of the Long Beach Fire Department (“Department”) and the City of Long Beach; to conduct fund raising events to support the activities of the service programs and to raise the public’s awareness of these services; to assist in the preparation and distribution of flyers, brochures and related material at community fairs, celebrations and public events; to strengthen communications between the community and the Department; support Department attendance and participation at community events; and support on-going community service programs.  None of the activities of this corporation shall consist of functions intended to influence legislation or to intervene in any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office.

Section 3.  Distribution of Corporate Funds.

(a) The President shall have the authority, within the stated purpose of the organization, to expend funds necessary for on-going operations and expenditures.

(b) The President shall have the authority to authorize expenditures up to $250 which meet the established criteria of the organization.

(c) Distribution of funds in the amounts above $250 and up to $500 shall require an affirmative vote of a majority of the Board of Directors.

(d) Distribution of funds above $500 shall require an affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3rd) of the Board of Directors.

Section 1.  Classification

The membership shall be composed of two classes of membership:  Regular and Associate.

Section 2.  Regular Membership.

(a) The number of members shall be set by the Board of Directors.

(b) Regular members shall assume duties on the Board of Directors as assigned by  the President and dictated by their position within the Fire Department.

(c) Some regular membership positions may be filled by non-assigned personnel.  Those positions must be applied for and voted upon with a majority vote by the Board of Directors.

(d) Regular members shall have full voting privileges.

(e) Regular memberships are non-transferable.

(f)  Any member may resign their membership by written notice.

(g)  Regular members must be over the age of eighteen (18).

Section 3.  Associate Membership.

(a)   Associate members shall represent organizations or groups that are directly supported by the Friends of Long Beach Firefighter’s, including, but not limited to:

            1. Long Beach Fire Ambassadors
            2. Long Beach Community Emergency Response Team
            3. LBFD Kids Organization
            4. Long Beach Junior Lifeguards
            5. Long Beach Fire Department Christmas Program

(b)   Associate members shall be required to apply for their represented positions and approved by a majority vote by the Board of Directors.

(c)   Associate members will not have voting privileges.

(d)   Associate members must be over the age of eighteen (18).

Section 4.  Compensation

No member shall receive compensation for services or attendance at meetings.

Section 1.  Obligations.

The acceptance of membership in the Organization shall bind each member to uphold all the provisions of the By-Laws and other rules of the Board of Directors and officers within their jurisdiction.

Section 2.  Discipline.  

Members shall be subject to suspension or expulsion for conduct detrimental to the objectives of the Organization.

Section 3.  Suspension or Termination.  

Any membership may be suspended or terminated for conduct that, in the opinion of the Board of Directors, is detrimental to the best interests of the Organization.  Such suspension or termination shall require a recommendation of a majority of the Board of Directors and an affirmative vote of three-fourths (3/4) of the members of the Organization called to a special meeting.  Notice of said meeting shall be given in writing to all members at least fifteen (15) days in advance of any vote.

Section 1.  Annual Meeting.  

The annual meeting of the members shall be held in the month of December of each year upon the date, at the hour, and at the place specified by the Board of Directors.  At such meeting, the Officers shall be confirmed or newly elected; reports of the affairs of the corporation shall be presented and considered; and any other business may be transacted which is within the powers of the members.

Section 2.  Quarterly Meetings.  

The members shall meet at a place, time and location designated by the President on a quarterly basis.

Section 3.  Special Meetings.  

Special meetings of the members may be called by the President, by a majority of the Board of Directors or on the written request of five (5) members.  Notice of such special meetings shall be given to the members at least fifteen (15) days in advance of said meeting.

Section 4.  Voting Privileges.  

Regular members in good standing and personally present at any meeting shall be entitled to vote.

Section 5.  Quorum.  

The presence of 2/3 of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.

Section 6.  Proxies.  

Voting by proxy shall be permitted.

Section 7.  Conduct of Meetings.

Meetings shall be conducted under Roberts Rules of Order.

Section 1.  Number and Length of Service.

The officers of the Organization shall be the President, the Vice-President, 1st Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Parliamentarian and up to 3 members at large.  With the exception of the office of the President, the officers shall serve a term of two years or until their successors are elected.  Any vacancy occurring between elections shall be filled through appointment by the President and an affirmative vote of a majority of the members of the Board of Directors.

Section 2.  Office of the President.  

The Deputy Chief of the Support Services Bureau shall, by virtue of the position, be the President of the Organization.

Section 3.  Nominations.  

Nominations for open positions in both regular and associate memberships may only be made by application. 

Section 4.  Other Nominations.

Nominations for vacant positions shall typically be made at the annual membership meeting, however, open positions may be filled on an as-needed basis.  

Section 5.  Elections.  

The nominated officers shall be voted upon by the Board of Directors.  Officers shall be elected upon receiving a majority vote of those present and voting.

(a) President.  

As stated in Article V, Section 2, this position is filled by the Deputy Chief of Support Services. The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Organization and shall also serve as Chairman of the Board.  The President shall preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors and general meetings as required.  The President shall also have the power to appoint members to represent the Organization as required.

(b) Vice-President.  

This position is typically filled by a Battalion Chief of the Fire Department’s Fire Prevention Bureau. The Vice-President, in the absence or disability of the President shall perform all the duties of the President.

(c) 1st Vice-President.

This position is typically filled by the Captain assigned to Community Services. The 1st Vice-President, in the absence or disability of the President and the Vice-President, shall perform all the duties of the President.

(d) Secretary.

This position is filled by election and is typically a member of the Fire Department clerical support staff. The Secretary shall keep or cause to be kept a book of minutes, as may be required by the President, of all meetings.  The Secretary shall be responsible for the correspondence of the Organization and the preparation and mailing of all notices of the Organization.  The Secretary shall also keep a membership register of the name and address of each member.

(e) Treasurer.

This position is filled by election and is typically a member of the Fire Department clerical support staff. The Treasurer shall keep and maintain or cause to be kept and maintained, adequate and correct accounts of the financial transactions of the Organization.  The Treasurer shall deposit all monies received in a timely manner to an authorized depository as may be designed by the Board of Directors.  The Treasurer shall also disburse the funds of the Organization as may be ordered by the President or the Board of Directors in accordance with these By-Laws.  The Treasurer shall reconcile, or cause to be reconciled, the accounts of the Organization on a monthly basis.  The fiscal year of the Organization shall begin on January 1 of each calendar year and end on December 31 of said year.

(f) Parliamentarian.  

This position is typically filled by an Analyst assigned to the Fire Department Administration Bureau. The Parliamentarian shall attend all meetings of the Organization, ensure the meetings are conducted in an orderly and proper manner, receive and review all By-Laws pertaining to the Organization and keep on file copies of the current and amended By-Laws. The Parliamentarian shall also act as the Assistant Treasurer and, in the absence of the Treasurer, perform all the duties of the Treasurer.

(g) Members at Large. 

One of the Members at large positions is typically filled by a Firefighter assigned to the Community Services Division of the Fire Department.  The other 2 Members at large are confirmed by election and shall represent the interests of the general public before the Board of Directors.

Section 1.  Other Committees.

The Board of Directors, by a majority vote, or the President, upon authority of the Board of Directors, shall have the power to designate and appoint such committees as may be necessary for the benefit of the Organization.  Each committee shall maintain regular minutes of their proceedings and report the same to the Board as directed.

The Organization shall not discriminate against prospective members because of their race, creed, sex, color or national origin.

Amendments to these By-Laws may be made at any meeting of the Organization as follows:

Section 1.  Presentation.

The proposed amendment must be presented in writing to the Board of Directors.

Section 2.  Distribution of Proposed Amendments.

The printed proposal amendments must be distributed to all the members of the Board for review at least fifteen (15) days in advance of the next quarterly or special meeting.

Section 3.  Voting.  

At the next meeting of the Organization following the introduction of the amendment, the proposed amendment will be voted upon by the Board and deemed to have passed if it receives 2/3 of all votes cast.

In the event of the dissolution of the Corporation due to unforeseen circumstances, by legal action, or by 2/3 (two-thirds) written ballots of the voting membership or by order of the Fire Chief, the motion to rescind the By-Laws would be in order.  All assets or proceeds shall be turned over to a 501 (c) (3) Nonprofit Association by choice within sixty (60) days of dissolution or sooner.